GCF insight #27 | Capacity to access climate finance

16 October 2024, Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: , , ,

Welcome to your 27th GCF insight report – Capacity to access climate finance.

The mobilisation and effective use of climate finance is crucial to address the impacts of climate change, particularly for the most vulnerable. While global climate finance flows have increased significantly, they remain insufficient to meet the urgent needs of addressing climate change. The Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance suggests that emerging markets and developing countries (excluding China) will require around USD 2.4 trillion annually by 2030 to meet climate and nature goals – four times current global investment levels.

The challenge extends beyond the flow of finance to the ability to access, absorb, and implement projects and programmes that deliver tangible and sustainable benefits for the most vulnerable. This report focuses on one of the greatest barriers to the effective use of climate finance: capacity

The scope of this twenty-seventh GCF insight focuses on capacity building at the individual level. We must empower individuals with the skills and knowledge to effectively access and use climate finance. This will ensure that climate action translates into real progress on the ground, improving livelihoods and building resilience in communities. 

For this latest edition of GCF insight, we asked the GCF stakeholder community about their experiences with capacity building for climate finance through a short survey, and conducted a number of virtual interviews to understand what is working and what is needed.

So what did we learn? Find out by downloading our latest report below.

About GCF insight

This survey and report is an initiative of E Co., and emerges from work we are doing to accelerate low-carbon climate-resilient development. E Co’s team of consultants designed and administered the survey which was used to inform and prepare this report. We also conducted 16 interviews with survey respondents and others to get a more in-depth understanding of issues and solutions. E Co. conducted this research independently and is not affiliated with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the GCF Secretariat, or donors. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not represent those of the GCF. Nothing in the interviews or any information or material relating thereto shall be construed as implying any official endorsement of, or responsibility on, the part of the GCF.

About E Co.

E Co. is a leading climate finance and development consultancy headquartered in London, based globally. We provide consulting support to access climate finance from the GCF (and other funds and donors) across several service areas, including: market assessment, strategy formulation, policy development, monitoring and evaluation, fund support and training. However, we may be best known for our programme and project design services in response to the Fund’s criteria and processes.

Our work in training and capacity building

We equip individuals and organisations with the precise knowledge and skills needed to navigate the climate finance landscape, develop impactful initiatives, and drive sustainable change. From accessing climate finance to designing and managing impactful projects, our training programmes empower individuals and organisations to drive change. Through our E Co. institute,  we foster a network of climate leaders ready to shape a sustainable world. Let us help you build the capacity to unlock climate finance and deliver lasting results.

Speak to us about your training needs at amy@ecoltdgroup.com.

Looking for insight into climate finance? Look no further

Get in touch with our climate finance consultants to discuss a project you’re working on and create successful, fit-for-purpose projects, now and in the future.  Sign up to our Latest thinking newsletter here for more climate finance insights or email us at: amy@ecoltdgroup.com or find us at the following:

Twitter: @ecoltdnews

LinkedIn: E Co.

Instagram: @ecoltdnews

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