GCF insight #26 | Designing projects for Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

10 July 2024, Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: , , ,

Welcome to the 26th GCF insight report – Designing projects for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). 

Did you know that all projects including SIDS represent 25% of the total GCF project portfolio? And that out of the USD 13.9 billion in total GCF funding, 12% of this has been allocated to SIDS countries? 

Some of the most vulnerable places in the world to climate change are Small Island Developing States (SIDS). While SIDS display a wide range of differences, such as location, cultural environment, language, geological complexity, size, and demographics, they share similar characteristics that can lead to their increased vulnerability. It’s also often the case that SIDS find themselves underrepresented on the global stage, because of their size and the capacity issues they face.

The scope of this twenty-sixth GCF insight report is to understand the unique circumstances that affect SIDS and how these are or are not being addressed through GCF finance and the GCF project modality. We are providing a view of the experiences of SIDS representatives in their search for funding and project development support.  

So what did we learn? Find out by downloading our latest report below.

We’re thrilled to have collaborated with a large number of SIDS representatives around the world, collating their thoughts, ideas and expertise through the survey which forms the basis of this report. Throughout this edition, we explore:

  • The climate context of SIDS;
  • Real-life case studies of both climate impacts and innovative solutions for various SIDS around the globe;
  • A visualisation of the current financial support being delivered by the GCF for SIDS;
  • Challenges SIDS are experiencing with Readiness, project development, and project implementation;
  • And more!

Our findings

Learn the current thoughts, experiences, and opinions of a unique set of stakeholders, each with their own views and challenges when collaborating with the GCF in the development of projects and programmes that benefit Small Island Developing States. Respondents from all around the world contributed to our findings, and so we’ve been able to dig down into the real experiences and top challenges of a large array of SIDS and GCF stakeholders.  

About GCF insight

This survey and report is an initiative of E Co., and emerges from work we are doing to accelerate low-carbon climate-resilient development. E Co’s team of consultants designed and administered the survey which was used to inform and prepare this report. E Co. has conducted this research independently and is not affiliated with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the GCF Secretariat or donors. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not represent those of the GCF. Nothing in the interviews or any information or material relating thereto shall be construed as implying any official endorsement of or responsibility on the part of the GCF.

About E Co.

For over 24 years, we’ve been supporting and guiding our clients to achieve low-carbon climate-resilient development. We do this by catalysing systemic transformation, helping our clients establish strong foundations for impact. We add value through our expertise in technical, financial, cultural, and local contexts. This allows us to tailor services to our clients’ specific needs and ensure successful projects within complex local environments and financial systems.

Our work in SIDS

Curious about the real-life work we have done in SIDS countries? Explore our GCF-approved project, FP191 – ‘Enhancing Adaptation and Community Resilience by Improving Water Security in Vanuatu’. As a Small Island Developing State (SID), Vanuatu is incredibly vulnerable to climate change. For example, Vanuatu is at dire risk of extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones, but will also be much more at risk of erratic precipitation patterns and droughts, two issues which will heavily impact water issues in the archipelago nation.

This project aims at providing a combination of awareness-raising and training activities to better equip communities and stakeholders involved in decision-making with the right tools to later plan and implement adaptation interventions.

Explore our work in Vanuatu here.

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2 Replies

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    Ismail Abukar Osman at

    We are Somali Environmental Development Organization (SEDO) we work for somalia every is can understand if talk about somalia especially we’re working Environmental and climate change and we don’t have supporters of financial issues we are giving ourselves much effort how to we reduce the climate crisis and deforestation we need funds and partnership opportunities we’re welcoming everyone thanks so much

    Emmanuel Sone at

    Send me project proposal format and template on how to access funds