Rachelle Sapphire Laplante

Specialist areas

  • Livelihoods, social inclusion and community development
  • Nature-based and Area-based Solutions
  • Qualitative research, analysis and innovation


  • Graduate microprogram in climate change, Laval University, Canada
  • MsC, Administrative Sciences - Management of International Development and Humanitarian Aid, Laval University
  • Mandarin Language Certificate, Hunan Normal University, China
  • BSc, International Studies and Modern Languages, Laval University

Rachelle Sapphire Laplante

In a nutshell, tell us about yourself.

I have always been curious about discovering the world’s unbeaten paths, its diverse landscapes and its people. I knew from an early age that finding a means to an end would be one of my personal and professional goals. This has led me to live and work abroad in diverse countries, as short trips provided limited insight. From a Scuba diving instructor to an English teacher, I explored different paths before finishing my studies and opting for a career in sustainable development. 

As broad as this sector may be, contributing to climate resilience rapidly profiled itself as a passion. Whether it be from my beginnings in coastal ecosystem protection and sustainable tourism in Mexico to more recent consulting experiences with grassroot organisations in West Africa, my goal to foster community resilience in the face of climate change is a key motivation. As such, joining E Co.’s dedicated team is both a springboard and an end in itself because of the possibilities that exist in contributing to the advancement of the climate agenda.

What are your loves?

Bioluminescence guiding me on a night dive, snorkelling with whale sharks, getting to the gym early in the morning and that first sip of coffee.

What are your dislikes?

Not being taken seriously when I order spicy food, salt and pepper as the only seasoning, tight shoes that make your feet blister, people who take for granted the comforts they have…

What drives you to do this kind of work?

A lifetime of curiosity of what happens beyond Quebec borders. This Margaret Mead quote sums it up “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has”.

Name a few things on your bucket list.

  • Visit the Solomon Islands
  • Create an aquaponic farm where fish thrive and feed the crops and vice-versa
  • Complete a PhD on circular economy perspectives in the agriculture sector
  • Learn different ways to braid my hair – a dutch braid looks so slick!

What keeps you awake at night?

The way each decision we take brings us on a new path. Sometimes an obvious journey follows, yet in reality much of it is unknown. It’s only with retrospect, days, weeks or even years later, that we realise the full impact of our choices. 

I like to think back on previous adventures I’ve had and imagine how different my life could have been had I remained in China teaching, or how it could have been had I stayed in the Caribbean working as a diving instructor. Nevertheless, all of my choices brought me closer to a career in tackling the climate crisis which has always been an underlying passion of mine.